I was going to publish the Top 10 uh-oh's, but luckily, there are only 10 as of today....and yes I know the day isn't over, but here's our Top 10 list so far:
- On our first day of our travels, we lost the Yacht Flag we had flying on our Flag Pole, I didn't think we were traveling that fast so apparently it wasn't tied down as tight as it should have been. Not a huge deal, luckily we were able to purchase a replacement flag and tie it tighter on our pole. See top flag on the picture.
- Navigation System stopped working in KY as we left TN. We didn't read the "fine print" that the maps did NOT include Kentucky. Not a huge deal, we had navigation maps on our I-pad.
- Broke hinges on our toilet lid. While not a huge deal, I had to learn how to "sit/squat" on the porcelain bowl!!! We have since replaced the toilet seat -- so I'm good to go (pun intended)!!
- Gene ran out of clean underwear. You would have thought the boat had sunk.....Obviously he cannot count the # of days we were anticipating on being gone. He didn't like any of the suggestions I had for him (don't wear any, turn them inside out, re-wear the ones from yesterday). He suggested I go thru the dirty clothes and figure out if any were mistakenly put into the dirty clothes when they were in fact clean. I quickly declined to take him up on his suggestion to do the "sniff-test" so he just had to re-wear a pair from the dirty clothes. We both survived that mishap.
- Wind blew our outside dock chair into the lake at our slip. Luckily we were only in 5 feet of water so Gene was able to borrow a fishing pole from a neighbor and "fish" our dock chair out of the lake and rinse it off. We're now good to go.
- Duck Bill Valves got stopped up on our head system. We had to call Jennifer at Rock Harbor to find out how to un-clog duck bill valves. For those that aren't familiar with a duck bill valve, it is the system that flushes your toilet waste. She told us to flush it with lots of water.....wow that was the perfect answer to our dilemma. We were both in denial in who stopped the toilet up but I can tell you without reservation, it was NOT me......
- Stereo "died". Again, you would have thought the sky was falling.....Gene loves his music. So we have no TV and now we have no stereo. It was a quiet few days and early lights out to go to bed as there was nothing else to do!!
- Ran Aground -- although it happens to everyone on the river, we had stayed in the main river channel (which is the deepest part of the river) -- our 2nd venture out of the river channel and we run aground. Our navigation depth charts said we should have been in 17' of water. I can say for absolute sure, we were NOT. We were stuck. Luckily we were able to get un-stuck without a tow boat's help.
- Forgot to pack Ketchup. We finally broke out the hot dogs I brought for a romantic dinner -- and we had no ketchup on-board. I just put mustard on both sides of my hot dog bun and I'll get ketchup next time I go to the grocery!!
- Gene cut his finger opening a beer can. He said "it took me 63-1/2 years to cut my finger on a beer can yet not a drop of beer went to waste".. He asked for a bandage for his forefinger and I said I would be happy to get it right after I went to the bathroom!! However, to keep him from hyper-ventilating from a drop of blood, I accommodated his request and handed him a paper towel. After about 30 seconds, he was good-to-go.
So as you can tell, we're having a good time and "dealing with" the mishaps we have experienced so far. Retirement means you spend virtually 24/7 with each other and when we are on the water on a 34' vessel, we don't have much opportunity for much "alone" time with just ourself. We have learned a few things about each other that we didn't realize had occurred in the past 40 years. I won't go into any details, but we have laughed hysterically about our never-known-before "habits"!!!
Oh I love this blog! I had to get a tissue and dry my "tears of laughter" after #4 so I could finish the rest! No wonder you took a break and went home to do some laundry when the weather was coming in! And I feel you pain on the river depth! I clearly remember scooting along down the river and all of the sudden you were in 4 feet of water! Center Hill is so deep I bet you don't even have to think about it! Love y'all! Can't wait for more adventures on Cloud Nine!
ReplyDeleteThat is very interesting that after 40 years you are learning new things and making new observations about each other. Nothing good can come from that. Take a life jacket if you must and get off the boat :-)